Your Student Association

The Law Students’ Society is the representative body of law students at UVic Law. All students at the Faculty of Law are members of the Society. Representatives are elected each year for 18 positions on the LSS Executive, and representatives are appointed by ILSA (Indigenous Law Students Association) to fill two further positions on the Executive.

The LSS Executive is responsible for overseeing the LSS budget, funding, and overseeing a wide variety of clubs and societies. It is also responsible for many social events throughout the year, organizing the annual Orientation, Law Ball, the Bonspiel Curling Tournament, regular social gatherings in the student lounge via Dean’s Socials, and many more.

LSS representatives meet on Tuesdays or Wednesdays during this fall semester at 12:30 PM in Room 204 to address issues regarding student affairs. All students are welcome to sit in on meetings.

Meet the Team