Upcoming events.

LSBC Articling Info Session
Learn from recruitment staff at LSBC, regarding both Prosecution Services (BCPS) and Legal Services Branch (LSB) positions.
Location and Registration TBD.

CBA: Financial Planning for Law Students
Law school is a significant investment. Join this event to learn more about effectively managing your finances as a law student.
Presented by the Canadian Bar Association.
Location and Registration TBD.

We're excited to announce that we are bringing back the Ha-LAW-ween party to Fraser! The event will take place on November 2nd at 8:00 PM - late at Sticky Wicket Hall (Halloween is never over).
Early bird tickets go on sale Friday, October 13th at 12:00 PM for $15 and regular tickets will go on sale Monday, October 16th for $20 on the LSS website.
Plus ones are welcome to purchase the regular ticket sales, only purchase one ticket per transaction and please enter the name of the ticket holder on your purchase.
Contact SoCos at social.uviclss@gmail.com with any questions!

LCO Resume Prep Session
The LCO is here to help make your resume stand out to legal employers! Join us to receive feedback and tips on improving your resume.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO Interview Tips Night
Selected for In-Firm Week? Join us for our annual Interview Tips Night, where you will hear from upper year students on how to ace In Firms. Dinner will be provided.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO Public Interest Panel
Interested in practicing in Public Interest? Join us for this panel exploring entry ways to the sector.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO Non OCI & Articling Search Strategies
Looking for a summer or articling position outside of the OCI recruit? Join this panel to learn more about job search strategies.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO Peer Mock Interviews
Looking to brush up on your interview skills before In-Firms? Book a Peer Mock Interview through the LCO.
Locations and availability to vary.

LCO Diversity and Inclusion Panel
Learn more about Diversity and Inclusion in the legal field, from a group of panelists with lived experience.
Location, Registration, and Details TBD.

Intro to the LCO
Get to know more about the Law Careers Office (LCO), and how they can help you navigate the legal career landscape.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO OCI Q&A: Calgary
Selected for OCIs in Calgary? Come have your city-specific questions answered.
Location and Registration TBD.

LCO OCI Q&A: Vancouver
Selected for OCIs in Vancouver? Come have your city-specific questions answered.
Location and Registration TBD.

Student Services Open House
Learn more about how Student Services can help during your time at UVic Law.
Location TBD.

Exchange Student Welcome Luncheon
Come meet exchange and non-exchange students alike while learning about supports and services available during your term at UVic Law!
Location TBD.

Orientation Gala
The perfect end to Orientation! Gala is a semi-formal event complete with refreshments, a DJ, and a dance floor to party the night away. Tickets available here.

LCO Government OCI Prep Session
Selected for a Government OCI? Join the LCO for tips and tricks on how to ace your interview.
Location and Registration TBD.

Sea Cider
A fan favourite, join us for an evening at Sea Cider, sponsored by Norton Rose Fulbright. Ticket price includes transportation to and from Downtown Victoria, as well as drinks and refreshments. Tickets available here.

LCO OCI Prep Session
Scheduled for an OCI? Join the LCO to learn more about how to ace your upcoming interview(s).
Location and registration link TBD.

Involvement Fair
Looking to get involved at UVic Law? Attend the Involvement Fair to learn more about our clubs and societies. No entry required.

Campus Scavenger Hunt
Get to know your new campus, including student services, places to grab a snack, and where to pick up your new textbooks!

HARD Law Harm Reduction Lunch and Learn
Harm reduction lunch and learn hosted by HARD Law. No entry required.

National Association of Women and the Law Presentation
Bring your lunch and join representatives from the National Association of Women and the Law, an organization working to achieve substantive equality and the realization of human rights for all women in Canada through legal education, research, strategic intervention, coalition work and feminist law reform advocacy, particularly at the federal level.

Firm Carnival
It’s the UVic Law Carnival! Come play carnival games, enjoy carnival snacks, and mix and mingle with representatives from our Firm Sponsors. Register here.

Grudge Match
Natural born athletes and fans alike are invited to the annual Grudge Match, where the winners will take home year-long bragging rights. Free tickets (to determine teams) are available here.

Trivia Pub Night
Test your trivia skills with your new classmates at Trivia Pub Night! Come for the prizes, stay for the friendship. Tickets available here.

Upper Year Q&A
Come to the FRA 142 to hear from upper year students regarding their UVic Law experiences. No entry required.

Mature Student Mixer
A great opportunity for mature students to mix and mingle before the school year kicks off. Tickets available here.